About a month ago I drove up on the hill above Walkerville to look at a single-wide mobile home that had been advertised on Craigslist. Since we are selling the house down here on the flats we will need a new place to live and the price was right. However, the location was difficult. You see, the dark strongman that seems to be resident over Walkerville is a particularly nasty thing and I really don’t want to subject Ruth and I to that nastiness as a constant part of our environment. Yes, “Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world,” and yes, we could, through the authority of Christ, build protections against this vicious spirit, but I would rather direct my spiritual energies elsewhere. As this Battle for Butte plays itself out, God is going to call someone to take on the strongman of Walkerville, but I don’t believe I am that person.
I have mentioned in earlier posts how the spiritual systems of Butte and Anaconda are actually separate systems. When I first saw that separation I was surprised, but it makes more sense to me now. I was also surprised to find that Ramsay is also separate from Butte’s spiritual system. Rocker, however is very much a part of the Butte strongman’s territory and is a primary feeding ground for it. I have always made the same assumption about Walkerville, but I was wrong. There is a spiritual separation between Walkerville and Butte.
For those of you unfamiliar with the Butte area, Walkerville is the only other incorporated city in Silver Bow County besides Butte. In fact, Butte and Silver Bow County have been joined politically, but Walkerville stands apart. Yet despite all the economic and political connections between the two towns, there is a separation between Butte’s strongman and Walkerville’s. I don’t completely understand it. If we use business relationships as a metaphor you could think of Butte and Anaconda as two separate, though related businesses. At the same time you might view the Butte/Walkerville relationship as being that between a major corporation and an independent contractor.
At least that’s how I’m seeing it now. When the Lord lets us start doing more specific spiritual mapping and spiritual warfare I imagine we’ll get a better understanding of how these two towns fit together.
I have mentioned in earlier posts how the spiritual systems of Butte and Anaconda are actually separate systems. When I first saw that separation I was surprised, but it makes more sense to me now. I was also surprised to find that Ramsay is also separate from Butte’s spiritual system. Rocker, however is very much a part of the Butte strongman’s territory and is a primary feeding ground for it. I have always made the same assumption about Walkerville, but I was wrong. There is a spiritual separation between Walkerville and Butte.
For those of you unfamiliar with the Butte area, Walkerville is the only other incorporated city in Silver Bow County besides Butte. In fact, Butte and Silver Bow County have been joined politically, but Walkerville stands apart. Yet despite all the economic and political connections between the two towns, there is a separation between Butte’s strongman and Walkerville’s. I don’t completely understand it. If we use business relationships as a metaphor you could think of Butte and Anaconda as two separate, though related businesses. At the same time you might view the Butte/Walkerville relationship as being that between a major corporation and an independent contractor.
At least that’s how I’m seeing it now. When the Lord lets us start doing more specific spiritual mapping and spiritual warfare I imagine we’ll get a better understanding of how these two towns fit together.
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